Roadmap to a Better Technology Tomorrow

The six key principles for creating digital transformation that actually works in nonprofits

Far too often, technology dysfunction is the norm rather than the exception. Efforts to harness the power and potential of technology often come up short at best, and at worst they end in utter debacle.

This is not inevitable. It should not happen.

But it’s the predictable result of common gaps and misalignments that tie the organization’s shoelaces together and set everyone up to fail.

The good news is, these gaps are correctable.

So how do you get from here to there? We’ve pulled together this Roadmap to a Better Technology Tomorrow to walk you through exactly that, organized into 6 key steps. (Also, feel free to get in touch, we can help.)

The six steps to great technology

1) You Must Be Willing to Invest

It takes money and brains to do technology well. Just like anything else that matters. It’s not cheap, and it’s not simple.

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2) Differentiate 3 Key Areas of Technology

<two line preview> Nowadays, for most organizations, there are three distinct areas of technology which are critical to distinguish from each other. They are:

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3) Build a Technology Accelerator Team

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4) Hire the Right Kinds of People

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